Sunday, September 30, 2012

Week 6: Technology and Isolation

             Americans today seem to be more isolated due to technology. However, since I grew up in the 1990s, when the internet was just starting to become really popular, it is difficult for me to really make a comparison between how people interacted socially before and after the age of technology. I think one thing technology has done that is negative is make people less responsible for what they say to others. On so many sites, people can make comments about a video, an article, or another person. Many times they can make these comments anonymously. I think this creates a situation where people can say thoughtful or cruel things and not be held responsible for what they are saying. In a normal face to face interaction, people will monitor and even change what they are saying based on the other person’s reaction. With increased technology, people are more isolated from the rest of society and do not have to observe the rules of polite and respectful interaction.  

         On the other side, however, technology has done wonderful things to unite people from all walks of life all across the globe. People are becoming more aware of other cultures and societies, as well as problems occurring throughout the world. It is very easy now to have a conversation with someone on another continent as though they are in the same room with you. In this sense, technology can serve to bring people together and diminish isolation. In fact, I believe I read somewhere that there is almost no group of people on the earth that are truly isolated anymore because of the global economy and widespread access to internet services. I think this can be seen as a good thing as the world can learn to see each other in the ways we are similar rather than feel separated and isolated from one another.

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