The comedy sketch performed by Hugh Laurie on the BBC
channel pointed out some interesting aspects of British culture and their
perspective on American culture. This sketch is obviously not necessarily
indicative of what ALL people belonging to British culture find funny or what
they think of Americans. However, it can be used as a sort of snapshot
reference into how Americans may be perceived in Great Britain, and how humor can
be conveyed there. In this sketch Hugh Laurie attempts to imitate what seems to
be most likely an American country singer. He has a sort of somewhat southern
accent, a very patriotic outfit and a song that only says three words; ‘America’
and ‘the States’. This may suggest that British view American culture as being extremely
patriotic and perhaps even overly zealous about their patriotism. It also
suggests that the British may view American (country) songs as lacking
substance and being overly repetitive.
The end of the sketch occurs when another actor comes in and
shrugs as if to say “he asked for it” and punches Hugh Laurie (the patriotic
country singer) in the face, ending the song. The audience seems to enjoy the
end of the skit which could convey their appreciation for simple or
uncomplicated humor such as this sketch that conveys a lot of meaning with just
a few words and one large gesture. Although after watching some of the other
skits where many puns and figures of speech were used to convey the humor, I
doubt that simplistic sketches are their main source of comedy. This ending to
the skit also may have reflected how some British have felt towards certain
American country singers when they hear their songs. It is unclear whether the
sketch is making fun of American culture in general or a specific sect of
American culture; that is the American patriotic country music culture.
Often humor tends to be an oversimplification or generalization of some stereotype or aspect of culture to make something seem humorous. Many comedians do this to make their skits/ comedy routines funnier and more entertaining for the audience. Culture is much more complicated than what comedy often reveals. For example, many Americans are extremely patriotic, but dislike songs -- similar to the one Hugh Laurie sang -- that they might perceive to be pandering. All cultures are complicated and have many diversities within them which is why it is always interesting to see what the general stereotypes or generalizations are for that culture. This skit is definitely revealing as to what some British people may think of as American culture.
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