Friday, December 7, 2012

Week 16: Shift Happens Video

This video, although a little outdated, shows just how quickly the world around us can change. In the last decade or so, there have been enormous technological advances and populations all over the world have continued growing. The increasing availability of technology to everyday people is a two-edged sword. On the one hand, it allows for people to have access to lots of information quickly, so that they can make more efficient and well-informed decisions about anything; their health, investments, their personal beliefs, etc. However it can also allow for people with destructive goals to develop advanced weapons and harm others. Overall the incredible advances in technology seem to be beneficial for most people. Diseases that used to be death sentences such as cancer and AIDS are now manageable, and many scientists say that cures are within sight. I believe this technology can also connect people of different cultures and countries in a way we never were able to before. Of course, whenever any kind of shift happens, there are dangers and uncertainties. But just like the video points out, shift will always be happening, and it is our responsibility to learn to adapt well and confront new challenges as they present themselves.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amy,

    I agree that this rapid advancement can be a two-edged sword. As you have pointed out though, there are many positives about advancement such as disease management and cross-culture connections.

    I think that it is ultimately up to us to decide to make change be positive. While some may use change as fuel for power and destruction, I think we should focus on using change to our advantage and making our society healthier, more environmentally friendly, more socially savvy, and simply better overall.
    Shift does happen and like you said, adaptability is key to thriving.
